
Soul Arts: Altered Image with Caduceus Round Shield

Tune & Fairweather hid an Easter egg in Astora by Yang ShaoXuan (Instagram). The artwork is featured in Soul Arts on page 120 but also in the rose window starting off the Dark Souls chapter on page 105.

Astora by Yang ShaoXuan, page 120 and rose window, page 105

But the version in the rose window is altered. The circle was turned into the symbol on the Caduceus Round Shield.

Astora by Yang ShaoXuan, page 120 and rose window, page 105

The Caduceus Round Shield symbol is a reference to Tune & Fairweather’s logo which also features two joined snakes.

Caduceus Round Shield Tune & Fairweather logo

The Caduceus Round Shield symbol is a serial Easter egg which is included in the form of symbols or altered images in You Died, Soul Arts, Abyssal Archive and Blood Echoes.

It’s also part of the symbol substitution table used to encrypt secret messages in the endpapers where it stands for the letter T.

Discovery of the altered image in the Tune & Fairweather Discord.